Nov ’11 Mayoral Candidate Responses to questions about the importance of Arts and Culture

In anticipation of the upcoming municipal elections, we asked the same two questions to each of the mayoral candidates (councillor and CRD candidates responded here). As a Society, the Station House Gallery is dedicated to preserving the Station House building and continuing to bring art to the community.  It was on this very basis that the Society was formed. After careful consideration, we firmly believe that the best way to achieve both these aims – to preserve the building and maintain the art  — is to relocate to a more central part of town. Not long ago, you joined us in these efforts. Now, it’s time to see where the candidates stand.

The questions that we asked are:

Question 1.  Do you support the re-location of the Station House building?  Please explain.

Question 2.  Please describe how you will support Arts and Culture in our  community/district if you if you are elected.

Their responses are as follows:

Walt Cobb

1.      I have mixed feelings on the relocation but if that is what the society feels is needed to make it viable then I would help work toward that goal.  The location up by City Hall would not be my choice.  I think if it is necessary to move it then we should re-look the site and possibly consider the Old Courthouse Square site.  The Old Courthouse site would, in my opinion, be better suited for the retail end of the Gallery.

2.      I believe that we need to better define Arts and Culture.  I feel we are getting crafts and hobbies mixed with the definition of art.  I think it is a Civic responsibility where possible to provide Gallaries, museums and in the best case a proper auditorium for live theatre.  The rest would be up to the Artists.  I would also assist in whatever way possible to help promote them.

Kerry Cook

During this term, I have been clear in supporting the relocation of the Station House Gallery.  The Station House building is an important historical heritage building for Williams Lake, but it is badly in need of refurbishment.  Its relocation and refurbishment will go a long ways towards keeping the Station House as a vital piece of the larger arts and culture sector of our community.  By moving the art gallery to the corner across from both the Central Cariboo Arts Centre (the old fire hall) and the Williams Lake Museum, we would be able to cluster three aspects of our arts and culture community together geographically, thereby enhancing the visibility and accessibility of all three.

The possible relocation of the Station House building includes two major facets:

a.      The need for partners – This long-term investment for the city is contingent upon being successful in securing partnerships.   Being able to partner with and purchase the land from the Royal Bank is a key component in the relocation and refurbishment process.  Being able to secure funding from the province is also a necessary element for the project to be able to happen.

b.      The city’s purchasing of the land upon which the building now sits – The city has included a budget item each of the last two years to be able to buy the land where the Station House now sits.  When we are able to relocate the Station House building, this land will make for an ideal trailhead access for both the river valley and the trail system on the west side of Williams Lake.

I strongly believe that a thriving arts and culture community is essential in attracting and retaining families in Williams Lake.  Providing opportunities for the citizens of Williams Lake to showcase their creativity and talents while also being able to enjoy the talents of others is an important part of a healthy community.  This present council has enjoyed excellent relationships with the arts and culture community, and we look forward to building upon those relationships.

Arts and culture is one of the ten priorities of our Integrated Community Sustainability Plan.  This plan is the first of its kind for Williams Lake and outlines a balanced and long-term approach towards looking after the social wellbeing of our community.  The plan discusses:

  • Supporting the development of facilities and events that celebrate a diverse range of cultures
  • Partnering with community groups to increase awareness of cultural opportunities
  • Supporting partnerships that promote cultural programming and activities for youth
  • Enhancing the area through initiatives like beautification and public art
  • Supporting the Central Cariboo Arts Centre Society and working together to address challenges

Scott Nelson

1. Yes, I do support the relocation of the Station House building. We need to preserve our heritage and a key gallery location.  We need to ensure that we have a location that is easy walking from the downtown core.  Funding would come from private, public and partnership with Towns for Tomorrow.  The money from the City’s contribution would come from the bingo revenue.  We need to set key goals and create a target date for moving the Station House Gallery and then do it as a community project.  I committed by signing the postcard campaign to support moving the Station House.

2.     The Arts and Culture will always be a priority because it provides the foundation to diversifying our community. Having a healthy Arts community provides additional support opportunities for our community.

We need to have financing support the Arts, always promote the Arts and Culture, and create opportunities that will assist in moving our communities awareness in Arts to ensure that the long term viability of Arts is expanded.  The community is blessed with such a diverse culture, and we need to contain the uniqueness into our history.

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